Wednesday, March 13, 2013

More on "The Good News of the judgment" or "Judgment in favor of the saints":
          We hear it more and more from the Adventist churches’ pulpits[1], this is the new Adventist fashion: God’ judgment is called the Good News of the judgment: the judgment is in favor of the saints, it is the Gospel of the judgment: “Alleluia! Rejoice, ye people!”

1.      And yet, Christ says that “He will spew us out of His mouth” Rev 3:16. This message is a denial, a rejection of God’s message to Laodicea.
2.      If the judgment is such good news, why God gave Ellen White the duty to write 100,000 pages full of warnings, exhortations, counsels denouncing the sins and the lukewarmness of God’s people? What about all the warning and admonitions of the Bible itself, especially for those living in the last days when Satan tries to deceive the very elect?
3.      Should we rejoice, as this Good News of Judgment implies, or should we “sigh and cry for all the abominations that are done in the midst thereof” (Jerusalem, that is God’s people) as Ezekiel 9:4 says?  This verse is quoted many times by Ellen White in its application to the last days before the Second Coming[2].
4.      Does this message motivate me to search God with all my heart, my strength? No!
5.      Knowing that the judgment is in my favor will surely not motivate me for a revival of primitive godliness… In truth this message means, ‘I have nothing to worry about, life can continue as usual, I will go to heaven anyway because God’s judgment is already in my favor.
6.      This message of “Good News of the judgment” is a lenient message of “peace and surety” denounced by the Bible  (Jer 6:14; 8:11; 1Thess 5:3) and by Ellen White[3]. It adds to the lukewarmness of the church.
7.      Why are we still in this world? Why Jesus did not come back yet? I hope you know that the delay is not on His part but on our part. We are delaying Jesus’ Second Coming, not because we do not rejoice in the so-called Good News of the Judgment (!), but for lack of preparedness.

Two quotes from Ellen White:

8.      “It was not the will of God that the coming of Christ should be thus delayed…  It is the unbelief, the worldliness, unconsecration, and strife among the Lord's professed people that have kept us in this world of sin and sorrow so many years.” Manuscript 4, 1883.  {Ev 696.2}
9.       “There is an alarming condition of things in our churches. . . "They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of My people slightly, saying, Peace, Peace; when there is no peace".  11MR 287

[1] I started to hear it in the 80’s.
[2] GC 657, HP 96, Mar 240, 3T267 (twice!), and so on.
[3] “When there is no peace” gets 21 hits in Ellen White Writings’ CD, Comprehensive Research Edition.

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