Monday, January 14, 2013

Christ did not deal in abstract theories, but in that which is essential to the development of character; that which will enlarge man's capacity for knowing God, and increase his power to do good. He spoke of those truths that relate to the conduct of life and that unite man with eternity.  {Ed 81.1} 
 Instead of directing the people to study men's theories about God, His word, or His works, He taught them to behold Him, as manifested in His works, in His word, and by His providences. He brought their minds in contact with the mind of the Infinite.  {Ed 81.2}  

Christ did not spent time in things that were not useful for the redemption of man; but His only purpose, His only goal was to nurture us, to help us have a better understanding of the character of God. And as He Himself puts it, “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.” Therefore His main aspiration was to always do the will of God, so that He would always reflect God in all what He was doing, saying, thinking.
We are children of God, that’s our identity if we have chosen to take Christ as our personal Savior and to follow Him wherever He goes, even to nurture those around us. The implication is that we will also set our minds to reflect God for others, so that they can have a better understanding of the character of God, be better nurtured. This is not only in teaching, in preaching but in all our daily activities. 
How does this impact my life, your life? If we want to reflect the character of God to others, we need to focus on having a relation with Him. Our goal should not be to become more educated, or richer, or more powerful, but to be closer and closer to God, to Christ, so that others would see God, Christ in us, which means they will be nurtured by all what we will do in our lives, and not only by our talk. My prayer is that we would do just that, understand how important it is to know Jesus, to spend time with Him, so that we would reflect Him in our characters and that people around us will receive the food, the nurture they need in order to be saved.

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